The latest article on Return Path blog is titled “5 Signs You Don’t Have an Email Strategy”.

Margaret Farmakis says, “As a Professional Services organization, my team is called upon to help solve a variety of email marketing challenges. A missing email strategy is one of the most common, and perhaps the one that causes the most widespread damage, while also being particularly complicated to solve.

“Strategy” is often overused and incorrectly applied, so I will rely upon a few business experts here to clarify the definition. Richard Rumelt, author of Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, provided a very succinct one in an interview: “Strategy and power derive from a clear-headed understanding of what the dilemma is, why it’s hard to do, and then the coordination of forces of energy to deal with that dilemma.”

Another useful definition comes from Lawrence Freedman in his book, Strategy: A History: “It is about getting more out of a situation than the starting balance of power would suggest. It is the art of creating power.” But how? Patrick Lencioni created a specific model in The Advantage that lists the six critical questions healthy organizations need to be able to answer“.

5 Signs You Don’t Have an Email Strategy

Return Path

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