‘Quick – what are the best ways to speed up image loading times?’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog
The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “Quick – what are the best ways to speed up image loading times?”.
Geovanny Vargas says, “On several occasions I’ve been asked about the recommended file size of an image in order to improve loading times on email clients. It’s a great question, because if images don’t appear immediately upon opening, the recipient might move on from the email without reading it. At the same time, designers don’t want to compromise an email’s visual appearance just so it will load faster.
Well, here’s the truth: there’s no “exact” file size to work with. However, it is recommended to keep all images between 100kb and a maximum of 500kb.
Those images will be displayed quickly (we’re talking seconds here) on most connections: Wi-Fi, Cable (100mbps) and 3G, with 3G being the slowest”.
Quick – what are the best ways to speed up image loading times?
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