‘A/B Testing: The value of choice in decision-making’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog
The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “A/B Testing: The value of choice in decision-making”.
Mike Xiao says, “Reducing confusion and mitigating friction are things that come to mind when thinking about presenting the optimal amount of choices for customers.
This makes sense when you consider that some customers have a hard time making decisions when flooded with choices. Presenting many similar options for the same product is usually the last thing any marketer should want to do.
It may be intuitive to think that limiting the amount of choices, buttons and text to best fit your ideal customer’s need is always the best way to go.
But, as I’ve recently learned, that’s not always the case. In today’s MarketingExperiments Blog post, I wanted to share a recent experiment that tested the effect of limiting product options within a conversion funnel”.
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