‘Fourth of July emails: How to get more bang for your buck’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog
The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “Fourth of July emails: How to get more bang for your buck”.
Kassidy Keller says, “Summer, picnics, parades and patriotism are celebrated on the Fourth of July. Our look at marketing for this holiday included online searches and email campaigns from 2013. For email, we analyzed 174 brands sending Fourth of July mailings from mid-June through mid-July, with 79 percent of volume occurring within two weeks of the Fourth of July, and 76 percent of revenue received in the week of the holiday itself. Emails extending July 4th sales continued in the week following the holiday, but were not strong performers. While the overall revenue per email for all Fourth of July mailings was $0.10, the revenue per email for the campaigns sent after the holiday was only $0.05“.
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