The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “EBay’s Massive Security Breach: What It Means for You”.

Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “eBay is the latest victim of a cyberattack — and if you are one of the 145 million users with an account, you may well be affected.

While eBay is urging users to update their passwords immediately (here’s how to do that), many are left wondering what this means for their data and what they can do to keep it safe.

The breach, which was confirmed by investigators this week, happened in late February and early March; eBay discovered it in early May. It seems hackers snatched up usernames, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth. The hackers were able to access passwords — but they were in encrypted form, so it’s unlikely they were compromised”.

EBay’s Massive Security Breach: What It Means for You


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