The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Google Releases 2 New Algorithm Updates: Payday Loan 2.0 & Panda 4.0”.

Chipper Nicodemus say, “Google’s head of webspam, Matt Cutts recently announced two new Google algorithm updates that could affect your business. For SEO pros, updates to Google’s algorithms are commonplace, but for the busy small business owner, they can be a confusing mess of black and white animals (penguin, panda). Have no fear, we’ve broken down the announcements into layman’s terms. Now, let’s get down to business!
Update #1: Payday Loan 2.0

This is the second version of the Payday Loan Algorithm, and it takes action towards websites that contain spammy keywords like, “payday loans,” adult themed/pornographic keywords and other spammy keywords. Odds are, you won’t be affected by this update because it only impacted 0.2% of English queries”.

Google Releases 2 New Algorithm Updates: Payday Loan 2.0 & Panda 4.0

VerticalResponse Blog

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