Ben Shaffer is no writer, but he makes $100/day from a Kindle book. He outsourced the writing, and he just focused on the marketing. By the end of two months in the Kindle store, his book was averaging $14/day in income. By the end of the 6th month, it was earning $100/day, and it continues to grow.

Now, he can pump out book after book, knowing that each will also be successful.

He got to this point by figuring out what it takes to make a successful book. He researched the Kindle store and all its processes. Eventually, he cracked the code.

To help you get similar results, he has put his research process into a piece of software that can work for anyone. He calls it Target Override.

You set the niche you are interested in, and this software will look for low competition, high revenue keywords that are in sub-niches that are easy to break into. It suggests keywords that describe these sub-niches.

Choose one of the suggested keywords, and the software will show you the top ten books for that keyword and give you a lot of information about those books to help you decide whether or not to create a book for that niche.

For example, it will tell you the average earnings for the top 10 books for the keyword, so you can estimate what your book will earn.

It will also help you choose the best category to place your book in.

And it gives you other statistics, too. As a result of the analysis this software does for you, Shaffer says that your new book will be virtually risk free because you know approximately how much it will earn before you start.

In fact, Target Override even shows you information that you cannot get from within Amazon itself, valuable information that helps you understand what is selling and how.

This software isn’t cheap, but it is valuable for the person who wants to create several books. It will pay for itself by keeping you from making costly mistakes that waste your time.

You can get all the details, and get your copy, here: Target Override.

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