‘Google Now Has Real Potential To Dominate The Mobile Personalization Experience’ – Business Insider
The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Google Now Has Real Potential To Dominate The Mobile Personalization Experience”.
Tony Danova says, “There is a race underway on mobile to design a service that can anticipate users’ needs and serve them the content they’re looking for without them doing much more than swiping a finger.
Among the more advanced versions of this technology is the smart personal agent. The smart personal agent’s work is ongoing, done autonomously in the background, and information is relayed intuitively and instantly.
And right now, the foremost smart personal agent on mobile is Google Now. The technology was first developed by Google as an addition to Android for the launch of version 4.1 Jelly Bean”.
Google Now Has Real Potential To Dominate The Mobile Personalization Experience
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