Your Facebook Fan Page can be a powerful marketing tool, but only if you are consistently adding new quality content to it.

And that’s the problem: in a real person’s life, it’s hard to be consistent. You have sickness, vacations, children’s school appointments (and don’t forget sleeping.) All these life activities make it hard to be consistent in updating your Fan Page.

Fanpage Blaster to the rescue. This new software does two important things to assure that you consistently post new content on your Fan Page:
1. It curates content from other experts in your niche.

2. It schedules posts for you so that they appear at regular intervals, so fans stay engaged and so search engines stay impressed with your content.

The author reports that this process reaps over 1000 “likes” in an hour from his fans. YMMV

With this software, your Fan Page maintenance and update process is automated. Add manual updates, too, if you like, but Fanpage Blaster will do your work for you. Once it finds content you can post, just select the content you want, and it will do the rest.

The process works quickly and only requires seconds to set up. And if you have multiple fan pages, it will manage all of them for you.

This can help cement your reputation for you fans. All this authoritative content makes you look like an expert.

And, what’s more, Fanpage Blaster lets you split test your content, for insights into what your fans are really interested in.

And all this power is available for a one-time fee and comes with a money-back guarantee.

Your Fan Page can be livelier and bring you much traffic if you use it well. Get this new software here: Fanpage Blaster.

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