The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Problem With Predictive Analytics”.

Corey Eridon says, “Let’s pretend you need to close 30 more customers to hit your sales target.

Luckily, you just so happen to have a whitepaper with a customer close rate of 30%. You might assume that if you get 100 more people to download that whitepaper, you’ll get 30 more customers and everything will be gravy — because based on its past performance, that’s the outcome you can expect.

If you’re thinking like that, you’re using predictive analytics. Predictive analytics are a way of making decisions by taking the data of past performance, and using that data to expect future performance. If you’ve ever worked in the actuarial side of insurance, financial services, even healthcare, there’s a good chance you’ve come across it before”.

The Problem With Predictive Analytics


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