Dan Rowinski says, “Google is about ready to set its yearly agenda. Its I/O conference, which starts Wednesday, is Google’s main opportunity to showcase what it’s been working on across its sprawling techno-empire.

We don’t know if Google will continue to throw everything but the kitchen sink into its keynote address like it did in last year’s three-and-a-half hour extravaganza, but it seems safe to predict that there’s going to be one main star of the show: Android.

Sure, Google will probably have something to say about its Chrome OS, its nascent but burgeoning cloud-computing efforts and updates to its popular in-house apps such as Maps and Gmail. But most the attention is likely to fall on Google’s mobile-computing ecosystem, which is in the process of spreading from phones and tablets to wristwear, home devices and fitness”.

What To Expect At Google I/O 2014: Android Wear, Android Everywhere


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