’25 Must Have Content Marketing Tools’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article
Angela Hausman says, “I ran across this infographic listing 25 outstanding content marketing tools, so I thought I’d share it with you.
I use many of these tools, and some not mentioned on here. Rather than re-iterate what’s contained in the infographic, I thought I’d spend today sharing with you WHY you need all these tools and what to look for in the content marketing tools you use. So, here goes:
Content marketing tool 1: Curation
Now, I wouldn’t have started with content curation, but it’s an important aspect of your content marketing strategy. Put simply, content curation means becoming a tastemaker by winnowing the best from vast amounts of content. While we often think of content creation (discussed next) as the core value of content marketing programs and as tools creating influence and building reputation, content curation is also important. That’s because, if you’re good at curating content, you provide a valuable service to readers who want the best on a particular topic, not an exhaustive list of content“.
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