‘3 Surprising Online Shopper Preferences’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article
Amberly Dressler says, “When online conversion tactics like personalization, alternative delivery locations and live chat are part of everyday shoppers’ lexicon, it’s time for businesses to get serious about making it easier to purchase their goods and services.
Recently, comScore and UPS released the findings of its third annual UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper Study. Overwhelmingly, the results showed that customers have higher expectations when it comes to their online experience. For example, 53 percent of respondents want access to customer service within the checkout experience, 57 percent want their customer profiles pre-populated to save time and, even though most shoppers want their packages delivered to their homes, there is a growing trend for alternate delivery locations, such as a retailer’s store (7 percent), workplace (5 percent), etc. Shoppers are also looking for the ability to re-route and reschedule deliveries”.
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