Ongoing royalties are the heart of ongoing success. Michael Jackson’s estate collects royalties every time a Beatles song plays on the radio because Jackson bought the royalty rights many years ago.

And Paul McCartney, who is now a billionaire, does nothing and collects even more on the 3,000 song rights from other artists that he owns.

Even boxer George Foreman does better doing nothing than he did fighting in the ring, thanks to the $137 million royalty checks he gets for lending his name to a grill.

Royalties are almost as old as commerce itself, but still work just as well in the modern world.

With today’s technologies, it makes it even easier as an investor can keep track of exactly the amount of his royalties – day or night.

It is very rare that something comes along which follows the old royalties method to the tee and
which is both affordable to you and me.

Ben Shaffer is changing all of that. with his IM Cartel.

Shaffer is a well-known expert online. He has developed a plan to involve a group of people working together in order “crowd fund” a new start up he wants to finance. Participants earn royalties together.

Today only (we were late getting the notice; sorry) he is only inviting a limited number of people into his IM Cartel.

You help him finance the project. In return, you share in the profits. Shaffer has been around a while; he knows a lot about online marketing, so although there is some risk in this crowdfunding project, his experience, one hopes, should help him carry it off.

If you want to be a venture capitalist, check out Shaffer’s project here: IM Cartel

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