Harriet Cummings says, “It’s Sunday afternoon. You’ve popped around to see your gran, and she’s asking after your health.

“Well, Gran,” you answer, “this weekend I got totally wasted and fell asleep in a trash can.”

An unlikely response? I’m guessing it is for most people. That’s because, in real life, we tailor what we say to the person standing in front of us. However, when we’re speaking to an online audience, how do we do that? How do we know the person reading our copy isn’t horrified, offended or (possibly worse) bored?

In this article, I’m going to outline a few different ways to get to know your target audience. This research forms a crucial first step of content creation. To stand any chance of getting people to engage with your content, you need to create work that is relevant to their lives — that is, something they care about”.

How To Do Audience Research That Helps Focus Your Content Marketing

Marketing Land

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