Eric Devaney says, “Ugh. Off-page SEO. How the heck are we supposed to do that stuff?

Remember back in the day, when you could work out those sweet link exchange deals with your buddies? “Hey man, I have a site, and you have a site … how about I link to your site a bajillion times, and you link to my site a bajillion times?!” Boom. Off-page SEO = Done.

Of course, such practices never really fit with Google’s mission of organizing the world’s information and making it accessible/useful. When a Boston-based seafood restaurant website has thousands of backlinks from a Tokyo-based robotics website, the connection is tenuous (at best), and will likely be of no use to searchers. Google has also been known to drop the proverbial hammer-of-SEO-doom on numerous occasions when they catch companies partaking in those types of deals”.

SEO Evolved: Why Quality Content Is Instrumental to Off-Page SEO


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