‘4 Fresh Ways to Squeeze More Conversions Out of Your Blog’ – HubSpot
Carly Stec says, “Allow me to make an assumption about you: At one time or another, you’ve done something because your friends were doing it. Sometimes, following others can be harmless — the worst thing that’ll happen is you’ll end up with a bad haircut or a hilarious 10th grade class photo.
But on your blog, following others could be stunting your growth. Success rarely occurs by simply doing what everyone else is doing.
As a content marketer who has a experimented with conversion optimization, I’ve seen first-hand how breaking the mold can help a blog grow. Recently my company removed the sidebar from our blog posts, and while it seemed unconventional bordering on crazy, we lived to tell the tale. On the surface, it seems we’ve eliminated conversion opportunities by omitting the sidebar, but our conversion rates have actually increased“.
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