VJ ImageCAM: Make short marketing videos in seconds #ad
There are several different formats for graphics. Over 20 years ago, the BMP file was invented by Microsoft. Not long after came the JPG file (invented by an industry group not wanting to be tied to Microsoft).
This is all techy stuff we can mostly ignore, but one graphics style has a special use, the GIF file.
Unlike all the others, not only can it show a picture; it can also show a moving image. And it does it very efficiently.
This means that you theoretically can use a GIF to show a short screen capture or other video. Besides the small file size (important for fast websites), a GIF file is understood by all browsers, and it can be shown without requiring the user to have a particular video player, so anyone with a browser can watch it.
But how can you make one of these animated GIFs? Well, you could buy some expensive software, or you could use VJ ImageCAM
With it, you can do things like:
• Record anything on your screen
• Create animated page headers
• Create Animated Google+ cover images
• Create Animated Google+ posts
• Record tutorials
• Create animated “Buy Now” and “Call To Action” buttons
• Record instructions for your customers or employees
In fact, you can record virtually any type of animation required, with any window size and any length. On the sales page there’s a 1-minute instructional video, for example.
Camtasia, the best known screen capture video software costs hundreds of dollars. VJ ImageCAM costs less than $20. It won’t do everything Camtasia does, but for a beginning marketer (or any frugal marketer), this could be a good tool to get started with.
You can see examples of its power here, and once you see what it can do for you, get your own copy: VJ ImageCAM .
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