Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are continuing their free training, on the way to launching a new product later this week.

If you haven’t already seen their prior training, you can see the first video here: Free VSL Training Video.

and the second video here: Video Sales Page Training #2

For their third training activity, they decided to make it live, rather than pre-recorded. It happens Monday night, at 8 PM EDT: Live training for Video Sales Pages.

On this live training call they will share their expertise on:
• 10-Step “No Fail VSL” Formula (they will go in depth, more than on their videos.
• Their 400% Conversion Boosting Trick; again more detail than ever
• 5 Different “Styles” of videos that can hyper-engage your audience
• An in-Home studio setup for creating your videos
• 3 Simple techniques to make your videos look professional
• The $6,476.16 Video Mistake you don’t want to make
• Behind the scenes look at their upcoming PressPlay software
• How to have complete control the viewer’s experience
• How to create “Smart” videos
• To top it off, they will offer you a 20-Minute Early-Bird Special on PressPlay and an Added Bonus

Over the last week, they have generated a lot of good will. A lot of people are awaiting the upcoming training (as well as the release of their product.)

Don’t be left out. Register for the free webinar now. You will discover ideas that can change your business forever.

Go here to register for this enlightening webinar: Live training for Video Sales Pages.

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