Return Path team says, “Return Path today announced the results of their annual Inbox Placement Benchmark Report which found that one in every six email messages sent worldwide never reaches the subscriber’s inbox. Based on a sample of nearly 500 million messages from permissioned email marketers, the report found that 11% of all email messages went missing and another 6% were delivered to subscribers’ spam or junk folders. Consistent with last year’s findings, reaching the inbox remains a significant challenge for commercial senders.

Return Path found that the relative constancy of global Inbox Placement Rates (IPR) – the percentage of sent email delivered to addressees’ inboxes – falls apart on a country-by-country comparison:

  • Australian and German senders, top-rated in this study, failed to deliver one-in-eight messages to the inbox during 2013″.

One-in-Six Email Messages Sent Worldwide Never Reaches the Inbox

Return Path

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