Ayaz Nanji says, “The way people engage with Google search engine result pages (SERPs) has changed significantly over the past decade, according to a recent report from Mediative.

The report was based on data from an eye-tracking study of 53 participants who were asked to complete 43 common search tasks, such as looking for an apartment to rent in a particular neighborhood. All searches were conducted on desktop computers in Canada using the Google search engine.

A similar study conducted by Mediative in 2005  found that users tended to focus their gaze on the “Golden Triangle”—the top-left corner of a SERP where the first result was usually displayed.

The 2014 results were strikingly different from those a decade ago. The Golden Triangle has all but disappeared; instead, users tend scan more vertically and to vary their focus depending on what they are searching for”.

Eye-Tracking Study: How Users View Google Search Result Pages


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