Jeanne Jennings says, “This small business is attempting email marketing, but it has a lot of room for improvement. Can you apply any of these tips to your strategy?

I love email marketing. It makes me really sad when I see a small business trying to leverage the power of the channel making small mistakes which could be the difference between success and failure.

Case in point: an email I received earlier this month. It appears below; I’ve redacted the details to protect the organization. To set the scene: I attended a business networking event at this restaurant and dropped my business card in a bowl to win a gift certificate. This is the first communication I received from them.

Take a quick look with your best email marketing eye and make a note of what you’d suggest they change in their next go round. My thoughts on 11 things they could have done better follow”.

11 Simple Changes That Would Improve This Email: Gentle Critique

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