‘Introducing the Speaker Faculty for Affiliate Summit West 2015’ by Shawn Collins
Collins Says, “The speaker faculty for Affiliate Summit West 2015, taking place January 18-20, 2015 at Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV, has been finalized.
The keynote speakers will be Chad Hymas, President of Chad Hymas Communications, Inc., andNoah Kagan, Founder of AppSumo.
Jon Levine, Director of eCommerce of All Inclusive Marketing, will be the conference emcee.
And there are over 100 other speakers covering analytics, bloggers, conversions, email, Facebook, FTC, Google, lead generation, legal, mobile, pay per call, productivity, SEO, social media, startups, WordPress, and more on the Affiliate Summit West 2015 agenda”.
Introducing the Speaker Faculty for Affiliate Summit West 2015
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