The Internet of Things Is More than Just a Bunch of Refrigerators
In his blog post on the Harvard Business Review website entitled The Internet of Things Is More than Just a Bunch of Refrigerators, Scott Berinato reports that people tend to underestimate the importance of The Internet of Things, maybe as a response to the hype that has surrounded it.
As Berinato reports, “The Internet of Things is definitely becoming a Thing, in the same way that big data’s a Thing or the sharing economy’s a Thing. And the thing about a thing that becomes a Thing is, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that made it a thing before everyone declared it the Next Big Thing that will change everything.”
There’s a lot more to The Internet of Things than refrigerators that know when the milk has gone sour. He gives the example of a couple of dozen air quality sensors located around Boston Today, you can click on a dot on the Thingful website to get real-time information on air quality in the area.
That’s just the beginning of what can be done with the information in that one example. A resourceful marketer could create an app that regularly checks the air quality and warns an asthmatic user of the app to not go outside if the air quality declines to a particular point.
Berinato reports that Harvard Business Review will be publishing a series of reports on The Internet of Things, trying to understand the effects it will have on business and on society.
You may read the whole article here: The Internet of Things Is More than Just a Bunch of Refrigerators.
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