Curt Keller says, “All the great email content in the world isn’t going to do your brand a bit of good if no one opens your email—which is why you need attention-grabbing headlines. So apply these top tips and become a master at writing subject lines!

1. Use the 50/50 rule

It seems absolutely preposterous that you spend as much time crafting the subject line, along with the preheader, as you do writing the entire text of the rest of the email, but savvy online marketers are well aware that it is mandatory. It takes time and concentration to write great subject lines.

2. Throw out CAPS LOCK

When a subject line is in CAPS, it is the email equivalent of screaming at your customer. If you throw in a few special characters, exclamation points, and other symbols… you’re going to look like a spammer, and that is going to earn your email an express one-way ticket to the spam folder”.

The Top 10 Keys to Writing Attention-Capturing Subject Lines


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