Graham Charlton says, “Doug Kessler, who runs B2B content agency Velocity, will be speaking at next month’s Festival of Marketing

Here, Doug talks about the content marketing backlash, the importance of quality, and the importance of tone of voice…

Can you tell us a little about your presentation at the Festival of Marketing?

I’ll be talking about Insane Honesty in content marketing (and marketing in general). That means instead of hiding your product’s biggest weaknesses, you actually expose your worst points proudly.

It’s a viscerally counter-intuitive thing to do but there’s a great tradition of it in marketing and there are a lot of really compelling reasons to do it. I’ll tell you them if you come along.  But if you don’t… I won’t”.

Q&A: Doug Kessler on avoiding ‘crap’ content marketing

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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