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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

‘Cross-channel advertising: The customer comes first’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jon Myers says, “It’s well established that most consumers spend a huge amount of time considering an online purchase before parting with their money. Many will consult up to 10 different sources, across a variety of devices over a period of between 20 and 30 days. In fact, according to Google, more than 65% of its revenue comes from purchases that involve multiple touch points and 47% of revenue comes from purchases that span across several days”. Cross-channel advertising: The customer comes first ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Email Design: How to optimize for all environments in a mobile world’ – MarketingSherpa Video

MarketingSherpa has published a video titled “Email Templates: How the No. 1 maker of mobile accessories tweaked promo emails to produce a 152% increase in revenue per email”. MarketingSherpa team says, “Mobile is big — but just how big exactly? According to Justine Jordan, Marketing Director, Litmus, 49% of people access emails through smartphones. This number has grown fivefold from 2011, and continues to climb as new technology reaches more people. At MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2014, Jordan presented an industry perspective session on how to combine content and design... [...]

‘The 5-Step Process for Writing an About Page that Connects (and Converts)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Leanne Regalla says, “Although it seems like a natural place on your website to talk about yourself, a strong About page is really about empathy for your visitors. When you write an effective About page, you dig into your readers’ minds and then communicate that you have what they need or want. And you can’t afford to follow the herd. Just think about how many times you’ve clicked away from a website that included just a little too much “Me! Me! Me!” You don’t want to be that person at the cocktail party who brags so incessantly that other party guests plan different routes to... [...]

How I Ranked a Profitable Keyword to #1 Position in Less Than 24 Hours

Dylan Wittman, a former security guard, set to work to replace his day job with online marketing. After trying several things, he found a process that works for him, works so well, in fact, that he was able to rank his site for a profitable keywo0rd and start earning good money online. The key to his success (and to yours, as well) is traffic. In most cases, you need lots of it and it needs to be targeted. For a limited time, in his new How I Ranked a Profitable Keyword training, you have an opportunity to see (you literally see it, since his training is a recorded video): 1. How Wittman found... [...]

‘Semantic Analytics: How to Track Performance and ROI of Structured Data’ – MOZ Blog

Mike Arnesen says, “If you’re interested in tracking the ROI of adding semantic markup to your website, while simultaneously improving your web analytics, this post is for you! Join me, friend. Semantic markup and structured data: Can I get a heck yes?! If you haven’t heard of semantic markup and the SEO implications of applying said markup, you may have been living in a dark cave with no WiFi for the past few years. Or perhaps you’re new to this whole search marketing thing. In the later case, I won’t fault you, but you should really check this stuff out, because... [...]

‘5 charts that break down Facebook’s $3 billion third quarter’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “For the sixth consecutive quarter, Facebook beat Wall Street estimates. The company posted earnings on Tuesday of $0.43 per share and topped $3 billion in revenue for the first time, a gain of more than 50% from the revenue it reported in the same quarter a year earlier. Much of that was thanks to its success on mobile; mobile ads accounted for nearly $2 billion in revenue, or two-thirds of Facebook’s total ad revenue. Some of the highlights from the quarter, in charts”. 5 charts that break down Facebook’s $3 billion third quarter Mashable  [...]

‘Seven customer experience case studies that generated loyalty and ROI’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Delighting the consumer is the number one priority for all customer-facing companies. Right now, consumers have never had more choice, but when there’s an endless array of businesses offering similar products and services, how does any company stand out from the crowd? By offering a personalised, relevant and completely human relationship that goes far beyond a single ecommerce transaction. A whole lifetime relationship between a customer and a company can be fostered under the customer experience (CX) banner, but this kind of loyalty can’t exist without first... [...]

‘PunchTab Survey Says 90% Of Consumers Will Shop Online This Holiday Season’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Many are predicting strong online retail sales this holiday season. Earlier this month, theNational Retail Federation released a study claiming 56 percent of shoppers plan to buy online – a 51 percent increase over last year, and a record high according to the NRF. PunchTab, a technology provider for CPG and retail brands, is claiming an even more aggressive outlook. Surveying over 1,000 U.S. consumers last month, PunchTab found 90 percent of its survey participants were planning to shop online for the holidays. Grouping survey responses by generation, PunchTab’s... [...]

‘6 Small Business Marketing Problems You Can Fix by Building Authority’ – HubSpot

John McDougall says, “I always dreamed of being an author but I never dreamed that authorship would help my business so much. My story—of having a published book, a blog, and speaking engagements that turn into sales at higher prices—is just one of many. Most of the research on how becoming a trusted authority fixes many of the problems small businesses face in their marketing, lay out an extremely similar path. The benefits of marketing yourself as an expert / authority are many and it is a repeatable process. Before I discuss six of the most important marketing problems authority building... [...]

‘What caused the daily digest email wars?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “The Financial Times has launched a daily digest email called First FT. I’ve noticed a retro trend for daily and weekly digest emails from publishers, with Quartz‘ version regularly cited by digital folk as the first thing they read in the morning. Here’s why email is enjoying a bit of a resurgence. I’ve included some examples of other publishers and their daily digests”. What caused the daily digest email wars? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

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