Baer says, “Since I discovered the sheer power of releasing premium content on opt-in landing pages in 2011, we’ve released over 40 marketing templates, e-books, and cheat sheets. Honestly, most people find our tools via Google, so the conversion rates are particularly high since they are in an “active” searching state rather than a “passive” blog reading mode.

Our overall list building strategy was going well at the start of 2014. Off the back of these templates on landing pages, our website was converting between 6-7% on average and producing 700-800 new email subscribers per month.

This was a great starting point, but I wanted to see how we could increase this by making some tweaks to our site. Here are the results as we’re on track to double our list from 13k to 26k within the next twelve months”.

8 Simple Tweaks to Boost Website Conversions

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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