Robin Neifield says, “There has been lots of noise lately surrounding the effectiveness of marketing on social channels. But don’t be fooled – your brand does indeed need to maintain a presence on social platforms.

There has been a lot of public hand-wringing lately about the new Facebook policies that require marketers to pay for marketing messages. Brands that spent a lot of time, effort, and advertising dollars in the last few years building up their fan communities are upset with new restrictions on the promotions language and messaging allowed in News Feed posts. If posts look like an ad, smell like an ad, or quack like an ad, marketers will have to pay to get them circulated within their News Feed. This coincides with the release of a new Forrester study questioning the effectiveness of social channels, Facebook and Twitter in particular, for brand goals. Is it the end of social marketing dominance online? Hardly”.

Is Facebook a Waste of Money for Marketers?

ClickZ Blog

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