Adam Weiss says, “The affiliate marketing industry marked its milestone 20th year in 2014, and it’s clear to see that it has traveled a long path since the launch of the first affiliate marketing campaign in 1994. Most notably this year, affiliate marketing saw several acquisitions and higher than expected growth rates.

Looking Back At 2014 Predictions

Around this time last year, we made a few predictions for 2014, three of which we can say certainly made their impact. Those predictions were:

1. Mobile Commerce Will Test the Strength of Affiliate Networks

We saw mobile traffic truly test the strength of affiliate networks during “Black November,” where it accounted for 37 percent of overall clicks and 21 percent of total sales, peaking on Thanksgiving at 46 and 26 percent respectively”.

Planning For Success: 5 Affiliate Marketing Resolutions For 2015

Marketing Land

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