‘20 ecommerce trends and predictions for 2015’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog
Graham Charlton says, “Just before Christmas I asked our expert panel of ecommerce professionals to look into their crystal balls and predict the trends that are likely to shape ecommerce in 2015.
Here are 20 such predictions, from mobile to multichannel…
The expert panel
- Matthew Curry, Head of Ecommerce at Lovehoney.
- Dan Barker, e-business consultant
- Stuart McMillan, Deputy Head of Ecommerce at Schuh
- James Gurd, Owner of Digital Juggler
Let’s start with Dan Barker’s predictions…
Magento 2, which was first announced more than 1,500 days ago, will shake things up and even more medium-and-above sites will switch across to it”.
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