Christopher Ratcliff says, “It is my job to explain in the simplest terms certain digital marketing phrases that may seem confusing, misappropriated or darn well unwieldy.

Today we’ll be taking a look at the terms customer experience (CX) and customer experience management (CEM), phrases that in our increasingly consumer-focused and connection-based economy have risen to the top of every business’s agenda.

Definition of CX

Here are the two different ways marketers refer to customer experience (CX), both of which are entirely related…

  • Customer experience is the sum of all the experiences a customer has with a business during their entire lifetime relationship, taking in not just the key touchpoints (product awareness, social contact, the transaction itself, post purchase feedback) but also how personal and memorable these experiences are”.

What is customer experience management (CEM) and why should you be focusing on it?

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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