‘3 Simple Ways to Personalize Content by Referral Source’ – HubSpot
Laura Kane says, “Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums. For instance, would you use the same exact copy in a paid search ad that you did in a tweet? I hope I’m hearing a resounding, “No!”
And yet, many marketers aren’t fully prepared for what comes next: when a visitor actually clicks on a link and lands on their website. If a visitor comes from a paid ad promising a coupon — and then they don’t see the coupon as soon as they arrive on your website, how do you think they’re going to feel? Confused; maybe even frustrated.
But according to a Jackson Marketing Group study, less than 10% of B2B companies are using personalized website content. The companies that do use personalized content are benefitting. In fact, according to an E-consultancy/Monetate report, companies that personalize their website see an average of a 19% increase in sales“.
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