‘Why deliverability can make or break your marketing program’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog
Suzanne Blackburn says, “I’ll admit it. There was a time, recently, when I had no idea what “deliverability” meant in the context of marketing. Deliverability? It sounds important, maybe a little boring if we’re being honest, but is it?
Then I met Spencer Kollas, Experian Marketing Services’ resident deliverability expert, and global Vice President of Deliverability Services, who explained it to me like this: With more than 188 billion emails sent every day, millions of messages are filtered, blocked and never arrive at their intended destination. This costs organizations millions of dollars every year. But marketers can do something to ensure that their messages ultimately do reach their customer and not the SPAM folder.
Ah, light bulb. Deliverability!
Deliverability isn’t just important for marketing effectiveness, it’s critical. And with 98 percent of brands using email as a marketing channel, it can have a dramatic impact on the overall marketing program”.
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