‘How to Combine Video and Marketing Automation to Generate New Business’ – HubSpot
Andrew Dymski says, “The marketing services arena is a crowded space these days. Every firm is competing for a prospect’s attention and time, so it is getting harder and harder for agencies to separate themselves. This is exacerbated by the fact that nearly every marketing agency website and blog you visit describes itself in the same way and publishes content on the same topics.
With all this noise and chatter out there, how do agencies clearly differentiate themselves from their competition? One approach is to change up your marketing by combining marketing automation and video.
Now before you freak out and start ranting about how much client work you have to do and how little time your have for your own marketing, just think about this: never in our lifetime has it been easier for us to record and share video. It is the only platform that authentically captures your face, your voice, and your content all at once”.
How to Combine Video and Marketing Automation to Generate New Business
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