Greg Sterling says, “Nearly 75 percent (74.9 percent) of mobile subscribers in the US now own smartphones. In December 2013, US smartphone penetration was 65.2 percent. By December 2015 it will be above 80 percent, perhaps closing in on 85 percent.

The 75 percent figure comes from the latest comScore US smartphone market sharereport, out today. Overall the market share data are mostly unchanged from previous months. Apple and Google occupy generally the same relative positions as in past surveys.

However, seemingly flying in the face of Apple’s massive holiday quarterly sales, comScore shows a one percent share loss by Apple against Android (driven by Samsung and LG gains). This contrasts with Kantar Worldpanel ComTech data (second image below) showing the iPhone growing in markets globally in December, mostly at Android’s expense”.

Report: US Smartphone Penetration Now At 75 Percent

Marketing Land

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