The smart marketer’s alternative to GoToWebinar #ad
Many of our readers balk when they discover that GoToWebinar charges $89-$299 per month, depending on how many people can attend. GoToWebinar is the leader in the webinar field, but their cost is beyond the means of a marketer just starting out.
Now, there’s an alternative that is far less expensive, and also has better support for the webinar process. It’s called Webinar Fusion Pro. It was just announced by Jonathan Teng, and his partners, Lester Lim, and Dwayne Golden, and there’s a “grand opening” sale going on.
The reason they can price this alternative webinar platform so much less than GoToWebinar is that they have built this platform on top of Google’s free Hangouts system. Google does a lot of the work, so you can avoid the high fees and get a superior webinar platform with xxx.
In this new system, you can point and click to customize your webinar operations.
This new platform also offers more personal interaction than GoToWebinar. People feel really at home in your webinars as a result.
GoToWebinar has none of these capabilities as standard, but Webinar Fusion Pro includes all of them as standard capabilities:
■ Pay to Attend Webinars, in addition to free webinars
■ Ability to Ban Troublemakers from future webinars
■ Mobile Devices can Attend Webinars
■ Social Media Integration
■ Push Real Time Offers and Call to Action
■ Mass Redirect the Audience
■ Browser Based Viewing (No downloaded software needed)
■ Unlimited Live Chat for All Attendees
■ Posting of Links and Offers to Attendees
■ Viral Thank You Pages
■ Preserves Attendee Contact Information for future marketing
■ Option to allow Non Registered Attendees at Guests
■ V-Merge Technology provides realistic Slide Presentations
■ A-Merge Technology delivers Audio
■ Operate the Webinar without an Admin Panel
You might ask, “Why not just use plain Hangouts for my webinars?”
There are a lot of webinar necessities that Hangouts don’t supply, such as:
• High Converting Registration Pages (or any registration pages, at all, for that matter)
• Webinar Reminder Emails
• Embed your webinar on Your Site or Blog
• Autoresponder Integration
• Creating Polls during the webinar
We could go on, but you get the picture. Webinar Fusion Pro gives you a complete webinar solution, for a low one-time cost, something neither GoToWebinar nor Google Hangouts can do.
Get the whole story on this new software, then get your copy before the price rises here: Webinar Fusion Pro.
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