Danny Sullivan says, “Google deliberately blacklisted competing shopping search sites, despite the company’s past claims that it doesn’t target competitors this way, according to new details of the US Federal Trade Commission investigation into Google on anti-trust charges, found by the Wall Street Journal.

The WSJ obtained a 160 page FTC staff report from the investigation, finding that the FTC should move ahead with an anti-trust lawsuit on several fronts. Our own summary of the WSJ story can be found on our sister-site, Search Engine Land. FTC commissioners ultimately chose to settle with Google in 2013 rather than pursue legal action.

Among the tidbits from the report are things like Google being happy that its market share was undercounted by comScore. That sounds dramatic, but it’s less so when this is well known within the industry and when Google’s Eric Schmidt himself effectively admitted that Google had a monopoly in search“.

FTC Report: Google Purposely Demoted Competing Shopping Sites

Marketing Land

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