Mitch Meyerson says, “A crucial part of online marketing is links and, more specifically, seeking, earning, and attracting links to your site from related sites and social media users.

Links are important not only because they drive traffic but also because they continue to be the single most credible metric used by Google and other search engines to determine a site’s ranking. Search engines pay extra attention to the types of links that point back to your site. Having the “right kind of links” can mean the difference between success and failure online.

There are hundreds of different ways to build links. There’s what some people call the natural, white-hat approach. More like public relations than SEO, this is where you have a website devoted to a particular topic, and you reach out to people who care about that topic and also have sites to let them know about your site”.

4 Techniques for Earning Links to Your Site

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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