Rainmaker team says, “Links have become the online content creator’s currency. Get a lot of links, and you get “wealthy.” And the more quality links that point to a particular page, the higher that page is going to rank.

But how do you get those links without breaking the law or looking like a scuzzy spammer? Well, here are some clean and pretty ways to get them.

And you’ll also find out the number one SEO practice you can employ to get people (and Google) to pay attention to your online content.

In this roughly 12-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • The first search engine to capitalize on links as a ranking factor
  • Why you want high-quality links pointing to your pages
  • The most popular ways to attract links”.

A 12-Minute Crash Course on Link Building (Ugh)

‘Copyblogger’ Blog

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