Chow says, “How many times have you seen some form of advertising for a company, whether online or offline, that seems to do nothing but try to say how great that company is? They’ll say that they have been in business for many years. They’ll say that they’ve had hundreds of very satisfied customers. They’ll say that they’ve won this consumer award or that.

These are all great things, but they all rest on the same fatal flaw: they assume that the typical consumer is a lemming or a sheep. They assume that we will blindly follow where other people have gone before, because if it’s popular, if it’s been around and if it’s winning random awards that you’ve never heard of, it’s got to be good, right? Of course, many of us are smarter than that.

And even when you don’t start to think about it on a more conscious level, you implicitly realize something else about that kind of marketing. Those advertisements are focused on the company itself”.

Internet Marketing: It’s Not About You

John Chow’s Blog

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