Seth Fiegerman says, “”I think Google is likely 75% fucked,” Paul Kedrosky, a venture capitalist, wrote in an email toMashable. “Nothing’s totally fucked, but… they’re at a precipice, and no one is calling them on it.”

Just a few years ago — heck, even a few months ago — that statement would have come across as utterly out of touch with reality. Even now, it probably reads as mostly hyperbolic.


This is Google we’re talking about. The same company that dominates how we search on the Internet and therefore owns the Internet itself. It built Android, the world’s most popular operating system and generated $66 billion in revenue last year thanks to its advertising machine. Every month Google branches into sci-fi territory, investing in self-driving cars, drone deliveries, satellites, augmented reality and life extension research“.

Google falls from grace

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