‘What the Best Bloggers Do Right’ by Jay Baer
Baer says, “Now how many of those were read today? Your guess is as good as mine. A very teeny tiny minority, if you choose to rely on the most basic 80–20 Pareto’s Principle. But have you noticed the number of views, shares, and comments when the post is written by people like Seth Godin? Or Neil Patel? Or Arianna Huffington?
So what are the qualities or distinct characteristics that mark these super bloggers, setting them on a plane higher than us lesser mortals? I am inclined to think that entry to this rarefied region is free, as long as you get these three steps just right. Read on.
Write Often
In a Curata study of over 400 business bloggers, they found that the best bloggers—one’s with over 10,000 page views or more per month—shared some similar traits. Being regular and keeping that blog fresh is one thing that nearly every successful blogger did”.
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