Ginny Marvin says, “With mobile ingrained in our daily behavior, technologies that can tie digital advertising to in-store visits and sales are finally becoming a reality. When it comes to store visits reporting, though, advertisers have to have faith that the data is accurate and actually holds meaning.

Earlier this month, when Xad launched its in-store visits technology, Blueprints, Google reached out to Marketing Land to offer more detail on how their own in-store visits metric works in AdWords. On Monday, for the first time, Google’s director of product management for mobile search advertising and AdSense, Surojit Chatterjee, shared more explicit details about how Google determines if someone has actually visited a store rather than simply walked nearby.

Google began reporting on estimated in-store visits in December, 2014 to show advertisers how ad clicks help drive foot traffic to their stores. At the time of the launch, Google simply said that this estimated data was based on user proximity to the advertiser’s location on Google Maps, captured when location history is activated on their phones. Turns out it’s not quite that simple“.

Google’s Surojit Chatterjee: Here’s Why You Should Trust AdWords Estimated Store Visits

Marketing Land

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