Add free videos to your websites, apps and products
With the power of video to hold people’s attention, it’s always good to come across free sources of stock footage that doesn’t carry a royalty for use.
These videos can be used for your marketing purposes, with nothing more than an acknowledgement of the creator. Sometimes not even that is required.
While looking for a video to use in a special celebration next week, I found a blog post listing sources for royalty-free video clips. Some sites are free forever; others are free during an introductory period, with a purchase required to continue using the site. In all cases, the videos themselves are royalty-free.
This post is a golden oldie. It was published a while back, but all the links except the last one still work. (And when we click on the Getty link, we get their site, but couldn’t find the free monthly video.)
For an added bonus, one of the sites has links to several other sites with free fonts, videos, etc.
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