‘Twitter Launches Auto Amplify To Simplify Creation & Purchase Of Video Clip Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article
Martin Beck says, “Twitter is making it easier for advertisers to tap into Amplify, its video clip focused ad product.
Amplify is a two-year-old product that has been one of the cornerstones of Twitter’s video advertising efforts. It allows advertisers, publishers and brands like the NBA to serve Twitter users with near real-time video clips from events. The idea is to reach people on their second-screens while they are watching a televised event — an NBA playoff game, for instance — or to entice people not watching the event to tune in.
Now Twitter has given Amplify a self-service upgrade, rolling out Auto Amplify to all advertisers, according to a story in Forbes today“.
Twitter Launches Auto Amplify To Simplify Creation & Purchase Of Video Clip Ads
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