Gary Lipko says, “Like a heavyweight contender, video has been rising through the ranks of marketing media, waiting for its title shot.

In 2012, we learned that 76% of marketers plan to add video to their sites. In 2013, we learned that 93% of marketers were using video somewhere in their campaigns and 70% planned to increase their spend. At the end of 2013, that 93% was corroborated by another source, and a year later, MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute found that 76% of B2B content marketers were using video, and that it was highly effective for them.

Then, on the eve of 2015, writing on MarketingProfs, the CMO of Vidyard proclaimed 2015 the year of video marketing.

No arguments here. Don’t have a video on your homepage? Your visitors will think they clicked a link from 2008“.

Video: The Contender Takes the Marketing Title


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