‘How to Get Great Content From Your Colleagues: Five Rules for Success’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
Dave Hochman says, “Even the world’s most effectively led, proactive, and well-organized content team is going to end up dead in the water without continuous quality input from within the organization.
Content marketing is sometimes referred to as “brand journalism”; however, if content marketers relied on the (sometimes antagonistic) journalism playbook for getting input every time they reached a dead end, they would almost assuredly find themselves jobless.
This article will help content professionals apply journalistic tactics to enable them to get great content from their colleagues. Readers will learn more about the following tips:
- Be flexible. Whether adhering to a timetable or adapting to a multitude of individual communications styles, content pros need approach their job with a high level of flexibility.
- Harness expertise. Learning how to coax quality content from individual experts in your organization is a highly valued skill”.
How to Get Great Content From Your Colleagues: Five Rules for Success
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