’10 Exceptional B2B Content Marketing Examples’ – HubSpot
Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “One of my favorite memories at HubSpot was watching our email marketer’s eyes go wide the first time she used our new email dashboard. Her reaction was was unrelenting, overflowing, and wholly genuine. Her expression mirrored the type of excitement typically reserved for iPhone launches and new seasons of Netflix series — but it was caused by software she used every day at work.
Those who think B2C companies have locked down all the truly interesting marketing angles have forgotten how passionate people can be about their jobs. For every B2B product, there are users out there looking to expand their knowledge or get inspired by their peers. All of which is to say: Nothing is uninteresting if you look at it the right way.
Done right, B2B content marketing can rival the creativity and appeal of the best consumer campaigns. Every once in a while, we like to recognize those companies breaking the mold in B2B content marketing and growing fervent, dedicated audiences as a result. Here are a few of our favorites“.
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