If you are a local marketing consultant, you need to know who is interested in your marketing services. Mike Cooch has reopened his sale for Instant Local Leads Software.

This powerful software lets you instantly generate leads for any city, any state or province, in any country. And it tells you what you need to know to prioritize them, so you contact the best prospects first.

You can choose the niche (say, dentists, or florists, or dog trainer, etc.) and it will find the best prospects in that niche.

Instant Local Leads Software will show you their website URL. It will also show you how it looks on a mobile device (correcting their mobile site problems is currently a hot service. See ;Overcome the latest Google penalty, “MobileGeddon” for details), plus it gives you their contact information so you can offer to correct problems or deficiencies you find.

It also tells you if they are using flash on their main website (another opportunity, if so, to sell HTML 5 services), do they have a Facebook page (you may want to offer to build one, if not), how many likes does it have (which offers more opportunities), etc.

And if you use a CRM system, you can export the data Instant Local Leads Software creates into a CSV file so you can upload it.

This can save you hours and hours, and it can deliver better leads than you have ever seen before. Get your copy (at a very low price for something this powerful) here: Instant Local Leads Software.

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